วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555


Ordinarily, being rejected for any kind of credit or loan would make it exceptionally difficult for you to be accepted elsewhere. With all applications recorded on your permanent credit history, lenders will clearly be able to view your previous activity, which can count against you.
However, payday loans are far from normal. The first and most important difference is the fact that many lenders choose not to employ credit checks. Those who do certainly won't be seeking the same kind of score that a bank or other long-term lender might.
For those who have chosen to do without this popularly employed risk assessment, the reason is usually one of simple necessity. Credit checks take time and they also require resources, which invariably costs money. As such, if it's not entirely necessary, then there's very little point in employing it. Some form of verification will be required instead, often in the form of faxed documents or a phone call. This shouldn't unduly slow down the process and will only be required for first-time applicants.
Returning to the issue at hand though; the key benefit of applying with a payday loan company that doesn't use credit checks is the fact that it won't matter if you're declined. In the event of a failed application, you can simply try again elsewhere without any negative repercussions.
In fact this is why brokers have become so popular within the industry. Ordinarily, if you were to apply for a loan through multiple lenders simultaneously, it would be extremely difficult to process, let alone gain acceptance. However, with payday loans you can simultaneously check as many companies as are available without worrying about negatively impacting your credit score or, consequently, your ability to get a loan elsewhere.
This is particularly beneficial for anybody who has a poor credit rating but earns a decent salary. After all, it doesn't take much to damage your score, but it can take months, if not years to remedy any such issues. Therefore even if you have been careful with your cash in recent times, previous issues may thwart any hopes that you may have at getting any form of loan.
Outstanding CCJs or bank and credit card accounts that are in arrears also won't count against you in these circumstances. However, it is important to stress that some lenders do carry out checks and you should never take on more debt than you can comfortably handle. So if you are just trying to get from one month to the next without a view of how you're going to break the debt cycle, it might be a good idea to take stock and review your financial position before committing to any form of additional loan.
The important thing to remember though is that rejection from one lender shouldn't be viewed as the end of the world. It's easy to panic and desperately seek alternatives, many of which may actually cause more harm than good. Even if you're in an extremely tight situation, take the time to evaluate other payday loan companies who may be able to help. Whatever you do though, do not look to pay a broker upfront in the belief that this will speed up the process. This is a highly unethical practice and you're unlikely to benefit in any way.
So in short, it should be relatively straightforward to get a payday loan, even if you have been rejected for another form of credit. Other factors, most notably your salary, will be taken into consideration with any kind of short-term borrowing, which can effectively nullify any issues caused by previous rejections. As different companies have their own unique criteria for accepting applications, you can approach any number of lenders or brokers to find one that can help.


If you've seen a feature on payday loans in the media during the last few years there's a good chance that it was largely negative. As a result, public perception of the industry is equally unenthusiastic. However, is this bad reputation fully deserved?
The ethics of short-term lenders are often called into question because of the high interest rates that they charge. This criticism isn't without some basis either; however, it is often warped by misguided views of the actual cost of borrowing.
When you see an APR of 1,500% or more on any form of loan, it's completely natural to question why it's so high. After all, the current interest rate from the Bank of England stands at a mere 0.5% (correct as at February 2012), so how can lenders justify such a hike?
The truth is simply that APR isn't necessarily the most accurate measurement for payday loans, or indeed any form of short-term credit solution. Whilst it would be an exaggeration to claim that it is entirely misrepresentative, it perhaps doesn't give the clearest indication of the likely cost to a borrower.
For instance, if you were to take out a £1,000 loan for 12 months with your bank and they charged 10%, you would pay £100 in interest. However, if you were to take out a payday loan for £200 with an advertised rate of 1,500%, you wouldn't end up paying £3,000. In fact, you are far more likely to be charged nearer £50. Confused? Well, let me explain.
APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, as such it reflects the amount charged over the course of a year. Unlike other forms of lending, payday loans are only available for restricted periods - often a maximum of a month. Therefore, by applying a full year's worth of interest, it distorts the figure by a significant margin.
The 15 to 25% you're likely to be charged is still over and above most other forms of credit, but not by a huge amount. So perhaps interest isn't the big issue here?
Banks and other institutions have come in for a lot of criticism ever since the financial meltdown. However, this pales into insignificance compared with the payday loan industry. There are many who consider payday loan companies to be bottom feeders, taking advantage of the most desperate borrowers. But again, this something of a misguided perception.
Sure, there are some people who get into difficulties as a result of being unable to repay the loans, but this is true of almost any form of borrowing. Consumers default on mortgages, fail to pay off credit card debt and overlook personal loans all of the time. As a consequence, most will be charged a set amount and receive a black mark on their credit rating. The same is true with payday loans.
The only major difference is the fact that payday loans are charged either on a daily or monthly basis. As a result, charges and added interest can spiral out of control within just a few months, making it increasingly difficult to repay. This is why it is so important that borrowers understand what it is that they're signing up for before applying and don't take undue risks.
However, it is important to remember that for many people, payday loans offer the only realistic borrowing option. With banks unable or unwilling to help millions of consumers, they are forced to either miss payments on existing debt or source a payday loan. It might not be many people's preferred option; however, for some it is their only one. Does this mean that they are intrinsically bad?


As with any form of borrowing, the rate of interest applied to a payday loan will often differ from one lender to the next. This makes it difficult to provide an accurate estimate, however most are around 25% per month or 1% per day.
The key to finding out which company offers the best value is to compare the relative rates of a number of different lenders. Remember though that interest is only one part of the overall cost of a loan, potentially at least. Some will add on other fees, albeit only a few pounds in most cases, which can bump up the cost of borrowing. This is why you need to be able to accurately gauge what the final cost will be.
To get a decent idea of the charges you're likely to incur, read through the terms of lending on the payday loan company's website or literature. As well as giving you the base interest rate, it should clearly indicate any charges that you are likely to encounter. Some will even provide a slider that will allow you to choose your loan amount, perhaps even how long you are looking to borrow for, and then automatically calculate the estimated cost of borrowing.
Regardless of whether this kind of facility is available, you should still be able to calculate the total loan amount through the information provided. For instance, as well as advertising the APR, which can be a little misleading, most brokers and lenders will also provide the cost for every £100 borrowed. As these rates are generally standardised, remaining the same regardless of how much you borrow, it's usually pretty easy to work out the cost.
So let's say you want £300 and the payday loan company you stumble across is advertising a flat rate fee of £25 for every £100 borrowed. This means that the total cost is going to be £75 and you'll have to stump up £375 within a month; however, this also assumes that there are no other charges. So take a look through the website and see if additional fees are mentioned, if they are, add these into the equation.
This will give you the basis for comparison that you need in order to weigh up the relative merits of individual lenders. Looking at APR alone could lead to unfortunate confusion, particularly as this takes into account the yearly cost of lending, which is somewhat irrelevant for short-term loans like these. To be charged the full rate of interest, you would have to miss 12 consecutive monthly payments, at which point the constant multiplications would amount to a rate of over 1,000%.
Don't take this warning lightly though. If you know that you're going to struggle to repay the payday loan, the best advice would be to leave well alone. Whilst you might be able to get out of a tight squeeze temporarily, failing to have the funds on the automatically assigned date (usually your next payday) will have major financial implications.
Defaulting on a payday loan will generally result in an extra month's interest being applied as well as other extra charges for the added administration costs. Essentially, the £300 loan we discussed earlier would possibly end up costing nearer £200 once the interest and fees for two months are taken into account. Suddenly it can become very expensive indeed.
So generally speaking, the rates on payday loans are slightly more than the annual interest on credit cards and personal loans, but not by as much as many would initially think. The true cost is often 20% or even 25%, but you will need to review individual lenders to find out their respective rates.

Using payday loans

Whenever you seek to borrow money, the primary objective is usually to repay it within the quickest possible time frame. As well as allowing you to eliminate burdensome debt, you can also save money on interest payments. However, whilst this might be the preferable course of action, it is often easier said than done.
Larger loans will obviously take longer to repay, particularly if you have a number of months to go. However some banks and lenders will allow you to repay incrementally over and above the normal levels. The major difference with short-term loans is that the lending period is significantly reduced, as is the loan amount. So rather than finding thousands of pounds over the course of a year, you might just need a few hundred in a couple of weeks.
This brings challenges and benefits. Saving money in such a short period of time can be difficult. There are only so many luxuries that you can cut out or payments that you can delay; so unless you get an unexpected bonus or your financial situation sorts itself out, it could prove to be a struggle.
Equally, you have to be able to weigh up the benefits of repaying early. Whilst you may be keen to wipe the slate clean, there's no point in doing so if you are only going to get yourself into more trouble. For instance, what if you have taken out a payday loan to cover an unexpected bill, you've paid the interest and charges off, but then you find yourself in the same situation again. It may prove difficult to actually get another payday loan and you could well find yourself paying more as a result.
This kind of scenario isn't as uncommon as you might think; whether you're borrowing in the short-term or long-term, if you can't afford to repay early, then don't. Many lenders will charge when you take out a loan, therefore any savings on interest could be easily negated by the need to reapply for another loan to cover a further emergency. So weigh up your options and make sure you have something in reserve before taking the plunge.
If you were to look at paying off a payday loan very quickly, it is likely that you will have to do a fair amount of saving, or even do a few more hours at work. As mentioned earlier, you won't have a great deal of time to do this in, particularly as most payday loans are restricted to around 30 days before repayment is required. It's not always advisable to seek an alternative loan or credit solution, unless you can agree a good deal in the process. Going after credit to cover existing debts can lead you into an ongoing cycle which can be difficult to escape.
You might have to consider spending a few evenings in rather than heading out on the town. Equally, some of the luxuries that make their way into your weekly shopping basket may need to be sacrificed. These little adjustments can make a huge difference to your financial well-being and could well be enough to get you back on track. Equally, if there is a friend or family member who is able to help, this could be a good time to ask them.
One thing that you will need to consider though is the lender. Whilst most are happy to accept early payments, it could prove trickier with others. Plus, as many charge a set amount of interest per loan, you wouldn't actually save anything by paying it off early. The only exception would be in a situation where interest is applied on a daily basis. So make sure you give it plenty of thought before deciding to pay off your loan early.

Payday Loan Application

When you are borrowing money, you want to make sure that your details are kept safe at all times. From the lender's point of view though, it is equally important that they are able to verify all applicants' details before making any final decisions. But what safety checks can you employ when you decide to apply for a payday loan on the Internet?
Check the site is secure
First and foremost, if you're using a company for the first time, make sure that their site contains all the usual security features. The Terms and Conditions as well as the privacy policy should give you a clear indication of what data they require and how this will be used.
Also, when you submit your application you should be taken to a secure connection to do so. This will provide added protection to ensure that hackers don't access your data. Many web browsers clearly identify secure areas (often through a pop-up box or symbol), but the easiest way to know if your details are being protected is to look at the URL. If it still begins with HTTP:// then there's a good chance it isn't secure. Alternatively, if it says HTTPS://, then you should be safer.
Look for Consumer Credit Licence and Company Number
Sometimes you just want to make sure that the company you're dealing with is legitimate. A very quick way to do this is to scroll down to the bottom of their homepage and see if they are a registered company and if they hold a consumer credit licence. By law lenders and brokers need to show this information clearly on their websites. As well as providing reassurance, it also gives consumers an opportunity to check up on companies with the legal bodies.
Search online for reviews
If you're on the Internet looking for a payday loan, then why not take advantage of search engines to find out what people are saying about the individual lenders? There are plenty of independent review sites and financial forums where industry experts and consumers provide impartial reviews of the services being offered.
Whilst even the best companies will have a mixture of good and bad reviews, particularly in a field as emotive as payday loans, it should be easy to determine the average consensus. In cases where reviews are particularly positive, or indeed negative, you can easily make up your mind on who you can trust and, more importantly, who you can't.
Contact lenders
If you have particular concerns or you have a query about how data is handled, you can always contact the lenders themselves. More often than not they will be able to answer any queries that you may have and even direct you towards further information if needed. They may even allow you to apply through a different medium, if you're not comfortable about sharing your details on the Internet.
You can email, call or even use live messenger services on some sites, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to get in touch and clarify any issues. Where contact details aren't immediately available, you may want to carry out further research on the company or simply go elsewhere.
So if you are concerned or want to tread carefully whenever carrying out transactions online, take the time to carry out a few of your own investigations. This shouldn't take too long either, it just requires a few quick checks on the Internet or over the phone.